Massage for Health and Healing / Also a Necessary preparation for Pancha Karma...
Before learning the techniques of Spiritual Energy Massage, you need to know more about spiritual energy. Though spiritual energy is a vast topic, here it is in a nutshell.
Kundalini... How,To understand Kundakini… The kundalini is a sleeping, dormant force which is like a coiled serpent at the base psychic of the spinal column. This force (energy) is present in every human being. Kundal (conscious) IN Sanskrit means coil, therefore kundalini means the one that is coiled. The word kunda also means a cavity ora pit. Kundalini may also be derived from the root of the Sanskrit verb kund meaning burn and also from the noun kundalam meaning the one that is A network that is coiled. It is situated at the root of the spine, at the perineum (germinal gland) in the male which is between the urinary and the excretory organs. In the female it is located at the base of the uterus, in the cervix. It is symbolized by a shining serpent coiled three and half times, with its tail in its mouth, ( ouroboros) lying as if asleep. The point ( original flow of prana ) where this energy IS in charge AND lies is called the Mooladhara chakra, the start of the entire body and all its awakend creative energy forces. This energy is the highest manifestation of Consciousness in the human body AND SPIRIT and represents the creative force of the world as manifested in the human being. The kundalini is the embodiment of all powers and forms and is the seat of all that flows on physical and mental or its manifestations. It is the fountainhead of energy and knowledge.
The sushumn or crown chakra is not an object of visualization, but a subtle entity in the form of light.
The awakening of the kundalini involves rigorous training in terms of yogic Asanas, Pranayama, Kriya Yoga, and Meditation. The actual forcing of the prana into the seat of nadis to the kundahni enables the energy to move upwards through various other centers situated in the central nervous canal to the brain. This awakening is akin to stimulating the silent areas of the brain. The kundalini, like any force, has positive and negative aspects. It can also be interpreted as male and female. The awakening of this energy evolves a human being Sickness on a physical, mental and spiritual level is the opposite. The raising of the kundalini brings forth a union between the two aspects mentioned earlier, which are also represented by Shiva and Shakti, male and female respectively. The awakening of the kundalini takes the human being on to a different level of Consciousness and this improves the quality of experiences and perceptions of life. On the physical level too, one can expect changes. A change in voice may occur along with a change in body odor and hormones. The kundalini is embodied where the concepts of time and space are nonexistent, This power is believed to arrive from the unconscious plane and move up through the center nerve passing different phases until it unites with the supreme consciousness. This energy passes through channels (or nadis) to nexus points called Chakras. The vital energy or vital fire in the body is organized around specific centers which are not a part of the physical body but belong to the causal body. But they do correspond to the various plex-nexuses in the human body. These specific centers are the chakras that help to organize the Physical body although they cannot be perceived by means of the bodily senses and the organs. The word chakra literally means 'circle or wheel' but in yogic terms it can be interpreted as a 'whirlpool' or 'vortex'. These chakras have particular rates of vibration. carrying it. People experience chakras as circular movements because the chakras are vortices of Healing. The unconscious state lies in the Mooladhara chakra. The supreme Kundal in consciousness is in the Sahasrara chakra which is in the crown of the head. Active energy is distributed through the chakras as well as through an intricate network in the human body. This network is comprised of Nadis which are channels that help the flow of consciousness. The word nadi actually means flow. About 72,000 nadis are believed to be distributed all over the body. Out of these., only three are vital for the flow of Prana: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. Each one controls different processes. Ida is energy in charge of the mental processes, Pingala of the vital
processes and the Sushumna stabilizes the one and all awakening of the spiritual consciousness. They may thus be considered as mental, pranic and spiritual forces respectively. All the three nadis start at the mooladhara and end at the sahasrara, in the process of which they meet at each of the other chakras.The ida… seat of all that flows on the left and the Pingala all that flows on the right of the spinal column while the sushumna flows up the central column, directly. The ida and the pingala do not operate simultaneously. On obeserving your nostrils you may notice that while you breathe through one, the other is blocked. Investigations show that if your left right side of your brain is activated and vice versa for the right nostril. This enables the the seat of nadis to control the various events of life and consciousness. The chakras, located in the spinal column, (perpendicular to the spine) distribute impulses. The uppermost chakra, however, is at the top of the head. In order to understand spiritual evolution and transformation, one should understand the chakras fully. The energy focused in the chakras is what determines personality and level of consciousness in the individual. Sickness is always a physical expression of spiritual discord, which can also be dealt with on a subtler plane. Seven organs correspond to the seven chakras.
The chakras are the connections between the energy body and the physical body and they are also connected to the kundalini force through the spine. The energetic quality of the chakra is purely a subtle vibration and is the source of our life energy. Each of these chakras has a distinct color, sound and form. When the breath passes through them, each chakra focuses its own momentum and energy through nerve currents. Each of these currents influences the construction of the body.
Interesting......perhaps this is the vxxc block any awakening/ascension/lifting of the veil??